January 11, 2006

as a man ages

My mind wanders as I work out. I try to concentrate on my form but sure enough a cool song on the Nano (Thank You, Honey) has me bopping and singing along. And then there’re the men.

Working out at Gold’s is a lot different than working out at WSC. The intensity of the workouts far surpasses anything I have ever seen at WSC in three years I worked out there. These boys hit it and hit it hard. There’s a bit of socializing but I notice most people cut their conversations short and get back to it. I have stolen more routines than I care to admit. This summer, I’m looking forward to wearing t-shirts and tank tops.

Anyways, so I’m doing a set and looking into the mirror when I notice a trend. Why is that most of the guys in the 45+ range are tucking their tops into their shorts? The gym that I go to is pretty mixed age wise, but the tuckers I observed over the past two weeks are all definitely older than I am. I tried to discern whether it was a “fitness” issue, but both fit and not-so-fit guys tuck. Is it a Baby Boomer thing that I missed out on because I was born post 1960? A few youngins tuck, but they are almost exclusively all queeny twinks.

I now shave my upper back so my tattoo isn’t furry; I pluck and shave the hair on my ears which grow back quicker, thicker and stronger; and I have even begun using a Flowbee on my eyebrows so I don’t look like Andy Rooney or Wooly Willy (huh huh, I said Willy). But I refuse to tuck at the gym.

It just doesn’t look cool ... ever ... and besides, I have four more years before the tuck police will issue me citations. I will have to send Melo, my older brother who turns 45 in February, a condolences card for the impending change.

Any tuckers out there?

Stay tuned for my post on Tucks ...

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