July 2, 2005

working girl

So, some sucker bought my spin and offered me a fairly decent salary to do the same exact job I was doing before, but for the competitors across the street (figuratively). The first offer was rejected, but they came back with a very fair second offer. I took a 20% hit in pay, but I accepted the position for the following reasons:

... been sitting on my ass for the past few months and I was itching to do something ... anything ... to stop my ass from growing

... I’m out of money ... it doesn’t grow on trees

... it’s the same specialty retail sector I’ve been in for the past 15 years ... I can do this in my sleep

... but most importantly, it’s a FU to my former boss ... when I said "I can’t do this anymore," what I really meant was, "I won’t do this for you anymore" ... karma.

My Honey and I will work for competing businesses. He's Carville to my Matalan.

The sucker, by the way, is one of the nicest and most thorough interviewers (2 hrs 15 mins) I encountered. I look forward to working and learning from him (wipe nose).

I’ve been shopping in my new store incognito for the past two weeks (it’s within walking distance from home). It’s in decent shape and the staff has been pleasant, but there are many “missed opportunities.” The first hurdle is getting them to do proactive, not reactive, customer service. Baby steps first.

I called and asked my trainer for the manager dress code.
“Khakis and a dress shirt.” “Khakis?”
“Yes, khakis.” “Really?”
“Yes, khakis.” “I don’t own khakis; can I wear my wool flat-front pants?”
“Yes, of course you can, I should have said no jeans.”
I don’t do khakis.

Went to the mall to pick up some new items for work when I realized, halfway through my shopping extravaganza, my entire wardrobe is “new” to my new co-workers. I may even break out my Monkey shirt (I can only wear in once, per location). I still blew over a hundred on new shirts.

While at the mall, I was drawn toward the Apple store and I’m pretty smitten with a certain PowerBook 12” 1.5Ghz Super Drive ($1,699). I’m certain I’ll buy this in the next two weeks, but I need your help, Davis and Erik, because I am “techno sauve.” Talk to me about what add-ons I really need. On my PC, I basically write, email, chat, cam, dl music, and surf (I probably would want to do more with graphics). Should I get the extended warranty (I thought it was a rip-off at Best Buy)? Do I need the iSight cam ($149) or will my existing cam do? If I buy the Office Suite ($149) will the documents be compatible on PCs?

Help me OB1s!

1 comment:

evilbuddha said...

Congratulations hotness on your job.
Please, if anything was growing, it was your muscles from all that extra time at the gym. ;)

Your PB 12" - Could you not talk your way up to a 15"? It's great and all... have you used a machine that small? Not necessarily a deal breaker, but you'll get the Backlit Keyboard on the 15".

Now, before you go for the external accoutrements, go inside. Get more RAM. It comes standard with 512mbs. I'd say, top it out (if you got the dough), but an even 1GB would be nice.

Definitely invest in the iSight. It's guaranteed compatibility and its a good quality cam.

iLife comes with the computer.

Don't bother with iWork if you're getting Office. Aside from font issues, I don't forsee any compability issues between Office Mac and Office PC.

The computer comes with a 1 year warranty. If you don't want to forget, invest in the AppleCare up front, but if you're good at remembering, get in less than one year's time.

Airport Extreme. Recommended. Airport Express, better in conjunction with Extreme.

Wireless mouse, the Apple Blutooth is fine and sleek. But there are better multi-button mice but they're not bluetooth and require a transceiver. Not sleek. Other BT are butt ugly.