see this

It's typical teenage fare with cars, tits, weed, skaters, cops, and, of course, farts, yet, they somehow manage to deliver the funny. The movie got more stupid and ridiculous as it went on, but by then, Harold and Kumar are like old friends, and you accept and love their flaws.
I remember making that 1 AM trek often to White Castle on Bruckner Boulevard after hitting the pipe with Susie and Roland. Many people had the same idea because there was always a long wait to order and an even longer wait to get your food. Six double cheesburgers, three onion rings, and a chocolate shake satisfied my munchies.
The supporting cast was outstanding: Thomas and Krumholtz as Rosenberg and Goldstein Go To Hot Dog Heaven, Meloni as Freakshow, Reynolds as Male Nurse ("soft chocolate lips"), Weedie as Kumar's fantasy wife, and Extreme Sport Punk #1 as Extreme Sport Punk #1.
I guess they don't have White Castles in Europe since they don't get a shout out on the international release.

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