reality roundup

Survivor: Can she do it? Somehow she survived Ulong's eight unprecedented tribal council visits and, even after the tribal merge, managed to survive two with her new tribe. Kuror vanquished Ulong so badly that they didn't even bother changing the tribe name. Can she fiannly pull off an all female alliance? If Stephenie makes it to the finals, I will dub her the Queen of all Survivors.
The Apprentice: They are down to the final four and there is still no clear cut frontrunner. I like Tana's personality the best
and can't believe Craig has managed to slip under the radar each week. I can't even think of the other two finalists' names. Is there another season with Donald or is Martha taking over the reigns?

American Idol: Vonzell is my official pick for the next Idol. It was hard to choose one from a great cast of finalists, but she's the only one whose performances I can recall throughout the
week. I'm also digging Bo Bice (cause I like saying - Bo Bice) and Anthony Federov. Is it me, but is America consistantly ignoring what the judges are saying and voting for who they like? I'm ready to start voting off the judges.

The Amazing Race: I loves my people ... but I was so happy to see Lynn and Alex philiminated (mostly Lynn - what a mean hateful bitch). Rob and Amber's gamesmanship keep me coming back week after week. I don't really care if they win or lose, just keep exploiting every TAR rule.
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