January 15, 2005


Currently reading Men and Cartoons by Jonathan Lethem. Not my favorite but perfect for the short Metro rides. Loved Motherless Brooklyn, Gun With Occasional Music, and especially Fortress of Solitude. I just read that Ed Norton has the rights to produce Motherless Brooklyn. He'd be great as Lionel Essrog.

agitprop - n- political propaganda, especially favoring communism and disseminated through literature, drama, art, or music

implacable - adj - Impossible to placate or appease: implacable foes; implacable suspicion

jape - v - to joke or quip

koan - n - A puzzling, often paradoxical statement or story, used in Zen Buddhism as an aid to meditation and a means of gaining spiritual awakening

bacchanalian - adj - used of riotously drunken merrymaking

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